Sometimes I forget. I forget to go outside and absorb healing from the earth. As much as I connect there and know deeply in my heart the benefits of being outside, when I get extremely ill, I retreat and don’t go out.
Today, after a few days of being indoors, I remembered to go out.
This is why I need to always remember to go outside ~
I walked up the hill and spotted the grove of buckeye trees where I often retreat. They create a sacred protected magical circle that feels in my heart like a familiar sisterhood.
My first lesson was from the bull thistle. Approaching the grove of chestnuts I ran into a thistle in seed. My jeans were covered with spines that poked my skin. “Pay attention!” they called.
As I sat in the middle of the grove I knew that I would be supported in a mythical journey today. I needed it because my body was in distress and emotionally, I felt off balance. I had offered up a prayer as I left the house.
I sat down and noticed the yarrow plant beside me. I heard it say, “We have all been broken. We are all bleeding. We are all wounded warriors. I can help.”
On the other side of me was burdock and then as I looked around I noticed it was everywhere. Last year, mullein grew under the trees but this year there are just a few. I know that burdock root is valued and much needed in my body ~ it’s strong oily roots are nourishing. I remembered to call on her for healing and strength. She was cooking on my stove in bone broth soup as I sat there in the grove.
Then I heard coyotes in the woods! I rarely hear them during the day but their cry was distinct and couldn’t be misinterpreted. “You are wild. You are free!”
As they finished their song, two hawks overhead cried out and echoed “Yes!” then many birds from the forest came to the edge and started to sing. I felt the confirmation and it sent shivers through my body.
My beloved dog, Tulsi, came and laid by my side as the song came to a stop. She looked at me and closed her eyes, “Be still Momma. Be still.”
The buckeye root that I was sitting on agreed with her. “Calm your thoughts.” I often use white chestnut (horse chestnut, a relative of my buckeyes) flower essence for help with my racing mind.
I looked up the hill and saw that the sunlight was hitting the hawthorn tree in such a way that it glistened as if it was covered in magic fairy dust. She assured me, “I will heal your heart.”
The sun then hit my face and in it’s warmth I remembered ~ “We are all light.”
The magic continued as a bee landed on my hand. My focus went to my work. How best can I serve I asked? She answered, “Yes.” I was confused and another landed on my finger. I asked again and the answer was “By doing what you are doing of course: Be you!”
I noticed a chicory plant with one lone flower on the top sitting next to one of the buckeye trees. Ah, yes, mother love. Mother devotion. Not heavy and controlling. Mothering for all with true freedom and deep respect.
There was a light breeze and it blew through the plants and trees softly. And then an orchestra of birds began. So many different songs all converging and making such beautiful music. The insects joined in and it became so loud that everything else paled in comparison.
I closed my eyes and let Living Nature heal me, deep down in my soul… in my belly…. in my heart.
Meditation can be so forced at times. I love it when stillness and silence naturally arises… along with a softening, a tenderness… and a vibrancy. Yes, this is when I feel the palpable presence of Living Nature and realize I am an integral part of Her.