I have had the honor of knowing Deb for the last ten years. I can tell you that whenever I have asked, in whatever predicament or quandary I have found myself, she has been there for me. It is not a coincidence that Deb has been a flower farmer. But while Deb has grown amazing flowers and herbs, her most beautiful gardening has been and is with people. I can testify that she will nourish the seeds of spiritual growth that are within you. She will help you understand that what you may now see as darkness has within it the mysteries and energy of life. She will be there as you open yourself to those mysteries and experience the growth and flowering of your human spirit. And she will tell you, rightly, that it is not her, but you. It is rare to find a person who can meet us where we are, listen with such a loving heart and keen mind, and ask us the questions that open us to new growth and new life. I testify to Deb’s skill and compassion as such a master gardener.
Barb Stenross – Former Assistant Dean, Academic Advising Program, UNC – Chapel Hill
Deb is a beautiful spirit, gentle and fierce at the same time. She is perhaps one of the most compassionate people I have ever met: it’s what draws people to her. She sees the depths of people around her and loves unconditionally yet still knows how to sort right from wrong, healthy from unhealthy. She has learned to accept what she cannot change and set boundaries. She is highly intuitive, conveying to another a real sense of being known, loved, and accepted. She creates beauty around her in every way that she can — a beauty that is a reflection of her internal self. Deb’s strengths and skills make a highly impressive list, but it’s her knowing how to use each appropriately and how they work together that is most important.
Dr. Mary Murphy, Ddiv – Residential Director, Franklin Academy
It’s difficult to explain just how special Deb is. Her warm, open, trusting nature endears her to everyone she meets — children, adults, and seniors. Deb always has the right words and actions to guide others. She has guided me, and those in my life, through difficult times: creating a peaceful space, embracing us with wise, understanding words, and simply being present. Deb’s spiritual nature has provided her with a healing gift. Her studies in Chinese medicinal practices and varied religions have given her insight and abilities to help heal emotional as well as physical ailments. I have personally experienced her healing hands and words. She is a true gift!
Robbie Puglisi – Retired Teacher
Deb masterfully hones in on just what you need for your healing journey. Not only is Deb an expert herbalist, she is gentle, patient, accepting, and holds you in a space of love so real movement can occur and pain is released from the body. I highly recommend her to anyone seeking natural, holistic relief from chronic or acute pain.
Chariti Ghent – Professional Certified Coach
Deb is a skilled and inspired teacher, companion and guide. She has heart, humor, and humility. As an interfaith minister and counselor, her resume speaks for itself. On a personal note, she courageously faces difficult and complex truths in her own life and others. She asks questions that shift perception while creating a sense of safety that allows people to go deep. I’ve seen her work with the bereaved, where grief is complicated with guilt; I watched her guide the client to re-enter a critical moment and find peace — not through talk, but in a lived, transcendent experience. I am glad her work is continuing in a new community.
Elizabeth Cunningham – Counselor, Poet and Author of the Maeve Chronicles
Every time I connect with Deb I deepen my own sense of grounding. She guides me back to the essence of who I am. To what is real and true; to what is meaningful. What amazes me is how effortlessly she does this — just being in her presence is enough to find my center again. After our conversations I feel lighter, restored, full. Deb embodies an inner strength that is rare and offers that strength to others with the deepest compassion. She is attuned to nature and spirit while holding an intimate understanding of what it means to be human — through our struggles and greatest joys. I feel honored to know Deb and wholeheartedly recommend her to others.
Marissa Håkansson – Freelance Writer & Editor
People like Deb Vail don’t come along very often, and rarer still are coaches like Deb. She has one of the purest hearts I know and blends a powerful combination of wisdom, intuition, knowledge, and compassion in her coaching. In our sessions, I felt deeply seen, heard and held. Deb immediately created a safe, loving container for my soul to shine through, which as a highly sensitive being, felt like a soothing balm I could relax into. After feeling lost for many years in my career, not knowing what I wanted to do, she lead me on a course correcting guided visualization that helped me connect deeply to my purpose, my unique design. Through her guidance I created a blueprint for not just my business but my life and for that I am so grateful.
If you are lucky enough to have encountered Deb in this lifetime, don’t miss the opportunity to work with her. She is a gem!
Rachel Cohen – Healer and Self-Compassion Coach
I first utilized Deb’s services in 2011 after undergoing yet another major surgery. My life was in transition from that of a thriving, healthy business professional to an individual with chronic, progressive illness. I’d lost my sense of purpose and was searching for ways to find meaning in my life again. I found Deb to be wise, resourceful, and uplifting. She skillfully helped me explore and embrace so many unwanted emotions when few others in my life understood my plight. Working with her I felt “heard” and understood. Over the years she has impressed me with her knowledge and experience. Deb gave me assignments to help me focus and improve my outlook and referred me to inspiring reading material to broaden my perspective. She introduced me to a new format for meditation specifically focused on essential body parts and taught me about the power of affirmations, assisting me to write some personal ones. When all other forms of exercise became challenging, Deb taught me modern Qi Gong, a gentle form of exercise that brought relaxation and a much needed relationship with my ailing body. One of the most profound lessons Deb taught me was how to look to nature to find powerful messages about life and spirituality. I have a newfound appreciation for the harmony and goodness in nature and know how to use its gifts to sooth my soul. As warm and caring as Deb is, she is likewise strong and resilient. She showed me that healing is as much about healing your spirit as it is your body. I treasure her support and look forward to more opportunities for personal and spiritual growth with her guidance.
Ann C. – Retired Human Resources Manager
Learning who Deb is over the years has been like watching a flower unfold. Over time we have discovered she has countless layers of knowledge, talent, experience and wisdom that never cease to amaze us. She has a broad and deep heart, is a most generous and faithful friend, and has been an insightful spiritual and emotional guide during some of our most difficult times. She makes the world a brighter place.
Sandy and Susanna Stewart – Founders of the North Carolina Zen Center, Members of the Elizabeth Kubler-Ross Staff and Sandy is Osho within the Rinzai Zen Tradition
I have been very blessed, and am very thankful to have Deb Vail in my life as a healing-mentor.
Deb is very wise, insightful, and always uplifts… helping to give honor, meaning and value to the deepest wounds and challenges one might face. I have been touched by her heart/soul-felt presence, kind and loving words, and generous emotional nurturing.
She embodies very feminine, gentle, soulful, authentic, caring, and powerful energy… very much in tune with nature, the heart, humanity, spirit, and truth. She has the ability to bring others through the “mists” of delusion of the false self, and “unveil” the essence. Deb is a doctor of the heart~ one who truly understands and relates from the heart, helping to mend the hearts of all she touches.
Mia Morales – Massage Therapist
Deb has been an influential friend and mentor for me in my journey. She has always been there for me and my family in times of happiness and sorrow. I have appreciated her sincerity and wisdom, as well as her ability to feel deeply. She has always been genuinely empathic towards my circumstances, whatever they may be.
Mel Flack

To find about other offerings through my complementary business for families and children, Grandparents of the Forest ~ click here.
“The first peace, which is the most important, is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship, their oneness with the universe and all its powers, and when they realize at the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit, and that its center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.”
~ Black Elk, Oglala Sioux