There are enough miracles in a field of flowers to bring a lifetime of happiness and joy ~
Even as I start to write about flower essences, I feel my body lighten, my heart open while an inner smile emerges.
Plants sustain me and give me light: they are some of my dearest friends.
When we are able to walk in the fields and in the woods, we get large doses of medicine. For instance, the living earth transmits energy to our body and the sky gives spiritual inspiration to our heart. The plants reflect their goodness and love and offer themselves to us.
We take them in as food sources, which is the most basic way to nourish our bodies. Herbs provide both food and medicine. Flowers are medicine and food for the heart. The closer a well-grown and much loved plant is to its original form, the better it is for our body
And yet, there are times when we don’t have access to the woods or the fields for native treasures in the wild. During those times, we have an amazing resource to draw on: flower essences. By putting the tops of flowers in water which is then placed in sunlight, the essence of the medicine and gift that each flower bears is transmitted to the water and can be preserved and then used as an attunement.
For instance, yarrow can protect us, white chestnut can slow our thinking, agrimony gives us courage to be truthful about our true feelings, roses offer hope. The possibilities are endless.
We are living in paradise and have every resource available to us for the unfolding of our soul.
My husband Harry and I craft our own locally harvested Sacred Forest line of flower essences from the Appalachian woodlands where we live.

Click here to visit our apothecary over at Grandparents of the Forest.
(Grandparents of the Forest is my sister business which helps children and their families to turn to Nature for healing and wellbeing.)
Click here for facts about flower essences.
The gifts that flower essences offer are too precious to ignore.
Receive their gifts and remember that you are forever sustained, protected and supported by our divine friends.

For more information about my services, click here.